Zach Ivins is the perfect choice to perform at your middle school, high school, Sweet Sixteen, youth group, graduation or any other teen event.

Zach Ivins will amaze! Before your very eyes, experience stunning magic just like you see on television except no camera tricks, no stooges, no editing, no commercial breaks - just incredible magic your teens will not believe. This isn’t kiddie tricks! It’s astonishing magic that will engage and captivate your audience.


“Zach, you and your magic are spectacular! Your tricks are entertaining and creative; I loved watching you perform. You are mesmerizing and incredibly funny!” — Maddie H.

“Best Freaking Moment of My Life! <3” — Jenna B.

“Completely amazing … your show was incredible” — Annette H.

“dude you were awesome.” — Anthony H.

“you were soo good! ... everyone was raving about how good you were(: props mann” — Kathryn W.

“YOU ROCK!!!!!!!” — Matt S.

“it was so awesome i was like what how did he just do that” — Tatiana C.

“that was coolio!” — Chelsea L.

“U were amazing had a great time at the show tonight!!” — Taylor S.